2% completed

Dear participant, 

Thank you for deciding to take part in this survey!

The survey takes about 7 to 15 minutes to complete and is divided into four sections:

  1. First, you are asked to agree to the privacy policy.  
  2. This is followed by a assignment of tasks. Please read this carefully and complete the tasks.
  3. Finally, a section asks you questions about your personal feelings based on the previous tasks
  4. In addition, your demographic data and your previous knowledge in the field of ECG interpretation will be requested.

Thank you very much for your time! 

This survey is part of my master's thesis at the Department of Information Systems and E-Services at TU Darmstadt. I, Klara Wenzel, am responsible for creating and evaluating the survey. 

If you have any further questions, you can contact me at the following e-mail address: klara.wenzel@stud.tu-darmstadt.de

Um die Umfrage in deutscher Sprache zu bearbeiten, klicken Sie bitte auf die deutsche Flagge am Ende der Seite. Während der Umfrage kann die Spracheinstellung jederzeit geändert werden.

To complete the survey in German, please click on the German flag at the bottom of the page. The language setting can be changed at any time during the survey.

Klara Wenzel – 2024